paper crafting Tag

Hello sweeties!!  I’m popping in today to share about today’s: Friday Featured Fan Each week I will be perusing the internet looking for projects created by all of YOU using anything from the Paper Sweeties shop!  Feel free to send me a link and/or picture of your...

Hello crafty peeps!  I'm here today to share a little something I created for The Shabby Tea Room #176 - 'Fresh Summer Breeze'! We are to be inspired by this lovely photo and USE WHITE/CREAM, AQUA, SOFT PINK, LACE and FLOWER(S). The Tea Room is sponsored this...

I’m popping in today to share a card I recently created for this week’s challenge at The Ribbon Reel #58 - 'Rose Cottage'!  We are asked to create a card/project using white, pink, flowers, ribbon and lace!   I used these yummy goodies from The Ribbon Reel...

Hello sweeties!!  I’m popping in today to share about today’s: Friday Featured Fan Each week I will be perusing the internet looking for projects created by all of YOU using anything from the Paper Sweeties shop!  Feel free to send me a link and/or picture of your...

Hello sweeties!  Guess what???  I'm a featured designer today over at my sweet friend, Tina Milbourn's blog - Confessions of a DeNami Addict!  Tina asked me to create a tutorial for one of my favorite tools -- how fun!  Please hop on over to see...

Hello sweeties!!  I’m popping in today to share about today’s: Friday Featured Fan Each week I will be perusing the internet looking for projects created by all of YOU using anything from the Paper Sweeties shop!  Feel free to send me a link and/or picture of your...