Thank you Hampton, VA!

Thank you Hampton, VA!


Well, it was exactly one week ago today that we were in Hampton, VA at the Stamp Scrap Art Tour show introducing  the Paper Sweeties stamps, dies and goodies to the wonderful people who attended this awesome show!

DSCN1617We met so many wonderful paper crafters at the show!

DSCN1623 We enjoyed introducing all the attendees to the Paper Sweeties products!

DSCN1622 We brought loads of inspiration to the show with us: layouts …

DSCN1621 … gifts …

DSCN1620… tags and cards … oh my!

DSCN1619Our sweet ‘dollhouse’ shaped displays with coordinating shutters were a hit with the show attendees … we got so many sweet and thoughtful comments that just made my heart smile!

DSCN1618We offered two free make and take projects within our booth that were a hit!  Saturday we had a line six ladies deep from 10 am – 3 pm waiting to create the projects and check out with their new goodies from Paper Sweeties!

DSCN1616We had a fantastic booth spot in the first row directly across from the doors where you enter the convention hall!

DSCN1612 A HUGE thank you to my friend, Suzi, for attending the show with me to lend a hand.  I couldn’t have done it without all of her help and support!

DSCN1611Suzi oversaw the make and take projects and facilitated the check out process by running all the credit cards and packing up all the sales in our bags with curling ribbon!

DSCN1613 Look at this sweet customer … can you see the THREE bags of goodies she purchased at the Paper Sweeties booth?!?  I had to snap a picture with her when I saw that her bag coordinated with our booth color palette!

DSCN1609A fun time was had by all!

DSCN1614Suzi and I capped Saturday evening off by enjoying a delicious seafood dinner down by the water!  The perfect ending to a perfect day!

Mark your calendars … we’ll be traveling to these show locations in 2014 and we hope to meet YOU at one of the shows:

Stamp Scrap Art Tour

Columbia, SC – February 14th – 16th

Winston-Salem, NC – July 18th – 20th

Hampton, VA – October 24th – 26th

Be sure to sign up for the Friday evening Make & Take Party to make a yummy Paper Sweeties project!

Creating Keepsakes Convention

Charlotte, NC – August 8th – 9th


Follow us with bloglovin’ to keep up to date with all the latest news and inspiration!  (Link on sidebar —->).  Find more inspiration on our social media and on-line gallery sites too:

Facebook Fan Page


Splitcoast Stampers



babybloghopAnd, now I’m happy to announce the winners from our recent Paper Sweeties Baby Blog Hop:

Winner of the CREATE something contest:  Beth Fiscus

Winner of the HOP contest (secret word: precious): Heidi Gonzales

Winner of the COMMENT contest:

Ohhh congratulations to you and your family Jinny. What a sensational team to be on and to see all the love and happiness they have for you!! :) Such DROOLABLE cards too !! ;)
Lisa x

Winners, contact me at: debbie at paper sweeties dot com to claim your gift certificates!


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1 Comment
  • Beth F
    Posted at 12:02h, 02 November Reply

    I am so excited to have won the creating contest! Thanks so much! I am off to email you right away.

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